// ==UserScript== // @name UnFuck Facebook // @namespace sizzlemctwizzle // @description Fixed recent activity removal again. // @version // @require http://sizzlemctwizzle.com/updater.php?id=11992 // @include http://*.facebook.com/* // @include https://*.facebook.com/* // ==/UserScript== // Start of Graphical Settings code == http://github.com/sizzlemctwizzle/GM_config/raw/master/gm_config.js // The GM_config constructor function GM_configStruct() { // call init() if settings were passed to constructor if (arguments.length) GM_configInit(this, arguments); } // This is the initializer function function GM_configInit(config, args) { var settings = null; // If the id has changed we must modify the default style if (config.id != 'GM_config') config.css.basic = config.css.basic.replace(/#GM_config/gm, '#' + config.id); // loop through GM_config.init() arguments for (var i = 0, l = args.length, arg; i < l; ++i) { arg = args[i]; // An element to use as the config window if (typeof arg.appendChild == "function") { config.frame = arg; continue; } switch (typeof arg) { case 'object': for (var j in arg) { // could be a callback functions or settings object if (typeof arg[j] != "function") { // we are in the settings object settings = arg; // store settings object break; // leave the loop } // otherwise it must be a callback function config["on" + j.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + j.slice(1)] = arg[j]; } break; case 'function': // passing a bare function is set to open callback config.onOpen = arg; break; case 'string': // could be custom CSS or the title string if (arg.indexOf('{') != -1 && arg.indexOf('}') != -1) config.css.stylish = arg; else config.title = arg; break; } } if (settings) { var stored = config.read(); // read the stored settings for (var id in settings) // for each setting create a field object config.fields[id] = new GM_configField(settings[id], stored[id], id); } } GM_configStruct.prototype = { // Support old method of initalizing init: function() { GM_configInit(this, arguments); }, // call GM_config.open() from your script to open the menu open: function () { // Die if the menu is already open on this page // You can have multiple instances but they can't be open at the same time var match = document.getElementById(this.id); if (match && (match.tagName == "IFRAME" || match.childNodes.length > 0)) return; // Sometime "this" gets overwritten so create an alias var config = this; // Function to build the mighty config window :) function buildConfigWin (body, head) { var frameBody = body, create = config.create, fields = config.fields, configId = config.id; // Append the style which is our default style plus the user style head.appendChild( create('style', { type: 'text/css', textContent: config.css.basic + config.css.stylish })); // Add header and title frameBody.appendChild(create('div', { id: configId + '_header', className: 'config_header block center', textContent: config.title })); // Append elements var section = frameBody, secNum = 0; // Section count // loop through fields for (var id in fields) { var field = fields[id].settings; if (field.section) { // the start of a new section section = frameBody.appendChild(create('div', { className: 'section_header_holder', id: configId + '_section_' + secNum })); if (typeof field.section[0] == "string") section.appendChild(create('div', { className: 'section_header center', id: configId + '_section_header_' + secNum, innerHTML: field.section[0] })); if (typeof field.section[1] == "string") section.appendChild(create('p', { className: 'section_desc center', id: configId + '_section_desc_' + secNum, innerHTML: field.section[1] })); ++secNum; } // Create field elements and append to current section section.appendChild(fields[id].toNode(configId)); } // Add save and close buttons frameBody.appendChild(create('div', {id: configId + '_buttons_holder'}, create('button', { id: configId + '_saveBtn', textContent: 'Save', title: 'Save settings', className: 'saveclose_buttons', onclick: function () { config.save() } }), create('button', { id: configId + '_closeBtn', textContent: 'Close', title: 'Close window', className: 'saveclose_buttons', onclick: function () { config.close() } }), create('div', {className: 'reset_holder block'}, // Reset link create('a', { id: configId + '_resetLink', textContent: 'Reset to defaults', href: '#', title: 'Reset fields to default values', className: 'reset', onclick: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); config.reset() } }) ))); config.center(); // Show and center iframe window.addEventListener('resize', config.center, false); // Center frame on resize if (config.onOpen) config.onOpen(config.frame.contentDocument || config.frame.ownerDocument, config.frame.contentWindow || window, config.frame); // Call the open() callback function // Close frame on window close window.addEventListener('beforeunload', function () { config.close(); }, false); // Now that everything is loaded, make it visible config.frame.style.display = "block"; } // Either use the element passed to init() or create an iframe var defaultStyle = 'position:fixed; top:0; left:0; opacity:0; display:none; z-index:999;' + 'width:75%; height:75%; max-height:95%; max-width:95%;' + 'border:1px solid #000000; overflow:auto; bottom: auto;' + 'right: auto; margin: 0; padding: 0;'; if (this.frame) { this.frame.id = this.id; this.frame.setAttribute('style', defaultStyle); buildConfigWin(this.frame, this.frame.ownerDocument.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]); } else { // Create frame document.body.appendChild((this.frame = this.create('iframe', { id: this.id, style: defaultStyle }))); this.frame.src = 'about:blank'; // In WebKit src can't be set until it is added to the page // we wait for the iframe to load before we can modify it this.frame.addEventListener('load', function(e) { var frame = config.frame; var body = frame.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; body.id = config.id; // Allows for prefixing styles with "#GM_config" buildConfigWin(body, frame.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]); }, false); } }, save: function () { var fields = this.fields; for (id in fields) { var field = fields[id], val = field.toValue(); if (val === null) { // invalid value encountered this.readVals = {}; return; } else if (field.settings.type != "button") this.readVals[id] = val; } this.write(); if (this.onSave) this.onSave(); // Call the save() callback function }, close: function() { // If frame is an iframe then remove it if (this.frame.contentDocument) { this.remove(this.frame); this.frame = null; } else { // else wipe its content this.frame.innerHTML = ""; this.frame.style.display = "none"; } // Null out all the fields so we don't leak memory var fields = this.fields; for (id in fields) fields[id].node = null; if (this.onClose) this.onClose(); // Call the close() callback function }, set: function (name, val) { this.fields[name].value = val; }, get: function (name) { return this.fields[name].value; }, write: function (store, obj) { try { this.setValue(store || this.id, this.stringify(obj || this.readVals)); } catch(e) { this.log("GM_config failed to save settings!"); } this.readVals = {}; }, read: function (store) { try { var rval = this.parser(this.getValue(store || this.id, '{}')); } catch(e) { this.log("GM_config failed to read saved settings!"); var rval = {}; } return rval; }, reset: function () { var fields = this.fields, doc = this.frame.contentDocument || this.frame.ownerDocument, type; for (id in fields) { var node = fields[id].node, field = fields[id].settings, noDefault = typeof field['default'] == "undefined", type = field.type; switch (type) { case 'checkbox': node.checked = noDefault ? GM_configDefaultValue(type) : field['default']; break; case 'select': if (field['default']) { for (var i = 0, len = node.options.length; i < len; ++i) if (node.options[i].value == field['default']) node.selectedIndex = i; } else node.selectedIndex = 0; break; case 'radio': var radios = node.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (var i = 0, len = radios.length; i < len; ++i) if (radios[i].value == field['default']) radios[i].checked = true; break; case 'button' : break; default: node.value = noDefault ? GM_configDefaultValue(type) : field['default']; break; } } }, create: function () { switch(arguments.length) { case 1: var A = document.createTextNode(arguments[0]); break; default: var A = document.createElement(arguments[0]), B = arguments[1]; for (var b in B) { if (b.indexOf("on") == 0) A.addEventListener(b.substring(2), B[b], false); else if (",style,accesskey,id,name,src,href,which".indexOf("," + b.toLowerCase()) != -1) A.setAttribute(b, B[b]); else A[b] = B[b]; } for (var i = 2, len = arguments.length; i < len; ++i) A.appendChild(arguments[i]); } return A; }, center: function () { var node = this.frame, style = node.style, beforeOpacity = style.opacity; if (style.display == 'none') style.opacity = '0'; style.display = ''; style.top = Math.floor((window.innerHeight / 2) - (node.offsetHeight / 2)) + 'px'; style.left = Math.floor((window.innerWidth / 2) - (node.offsetWidth / 2)) + 'px'; style.opacity = '1'; }, remove: function (el) { if (el && el.parentNode) el.parentNode.removeChild(el); }, // Define some default properties onOpen: null, onSave: null, onClose: null, id: 'GM_config', fields: {}, readVals: {}, title: 'User Script Settings', css: { basic: "#GM_config * { font-family: arial,tahoma,myriad pro,sans-serif; }" + '\n' + "#GM_config { background: #FFF; }" + '\n' + "#GM_config input[type='radio'] { margin-right: 8px; }" + '\n' + "#GM_config .indent40 { margin-left: 40%; }" + '\n' + "#GM_config .field_label { font-weight: bold; font-size: 12px; margin-right: 6px; }" + '\n' + "#GM_config .block { display: block; }" + '\n' + "#GM_config .saveclose_buttons { margin: 16px 10px 10px; padding: 2px 12px; }" + '\n' + "#GM_config .reset, #GM_config .reset a," + '\n' + "#GM_config_buttons_holder { text-align: right; color: #000; }" + '\n' + "#GM_config .config_header { font-size: 20pt; margin: 0; }" + '\n' + "#GM_config .config_desc, #GM_config .section_desc, #GM_config .reset { font-size: 9pt; }" + '\n' + "#GM_config .center { text-align: center; }" + '\n' + "#GM_config .section_header_holder { margin-top: 8px; }" + '\n' + "#GM_config .config_var { margin: 0 0 4px; }" + '\n' + "#GM_config .section_header { font-size: 13pt; background: #414141; color: #FFF;" + '\n' + "border: 1px solid #000; margin: 0; }" + '\n' + "#GM_config .section_desc { font-size: 9pt; background: #EFEFEF; color: #575757;" + '\n' + "border: 1px solid #CCC; margin: 0 0 6px; }", stylish: "" } }; // Define a bunch of API stuff (function() { var isGM = typeof GM_getValue != 'undefined' && typeof GM_getValue('a', 'b') != 'undefined', setValue, getValue, stringify, parser; // Define value storing and reading API if (!isGM) { setValue = function (name, value) { return localStorage.setItem(name, value); }; getValue = function(name, def){ var s = localStorage.getItem(name); return s == null ? def : s }; // We only support JSON parser outside GM stringify = JSON.stringify; parser = JSON.parse; } else { setValue = GM_setValue; getValue = GM_getValue; stringify = typeof JSON == "undefined" ? function(obj) { return obj.toSource(); } : JSON.stringify; parser = typeof JSON == "undefined" ? function(jsonData) { return (new Function('return ' + jsonData + ';'))(); } : JSON.parse; } GM_configStruct.prototype.isGM = isGM; GM_configStruct.prototype.setValue = setValue; GM_configStruct.prototype.getValue = getValue; GM_configStruct.prototype.stringify = stringify; GM_configStruct.prototype.parser = parser; GM_configStruct.prototype.log = isGM ? GM_log : (window.opera ? opera.postError : console.log); })(); function GM_configDefaultValue(type) { var value; if (type.indexOf('unsigned ') == 0) type = type.substring(9); switch (type) { case 'radio': case 'select': value = settings.options[0]; break; case 'checkbox': value = false; break; case 'int': case 'integer': case 'float': case 'number': value = 0; break; default: value = ''; } return value; } function GM_configField(settings, stored, id) { // Store the field's settings this.settings = settings; this.id = id; // if a setting was passed to init but wasn't stored then // if a default value wasn't passed through init() then // use default value for type // else use the default value passed through init() // else use the stored value var value = typeof stored == "undefined" ? typeof settings['default'] == "undefined" ? GM_configDefaultValue(settings.type) : settings['default'] : stored; // Store the field's value this.value = value; } GM_configField.prototype = { create: GM_configStruct.prototype.create, node: null, toNode: function(configId) { var field = this.settings, value = this.value, options = field.options, id = this.id, create = this.create; var retNode = create('div', { className: 'config_var', id: configId + '_' + this.id + '_var', title: field.title || '' }); if (field.type != "hidden" && field.type != "button" && typeof field.label == "string") retNode.appendChild(create('span', { textContent: field.label, id: configId + '_' + this.id +'_field_label', className: 'field_label' })); switch (field.type) { case 'textarea': retNode.appendChild((this.node = create('textarea', { id: configId + '_field_' + this.id, innerHTML: value, cols: (field.cols ? field.cols : 20), rows: (field.rows ? field.rows : 2) }))); break; case 'radio': var wrap = create('div', { id: configId + '_field_' + id }); this.node = wrap; for (var i = 0, len = options.length; i < len; ++i) { wrap.appendChild(create('span', { textContent: options[i] })); wrap.appendChild(create('input', { value: options[i], type: 'radio', name: id, checked: options[i] == value ? true : false })); } retNode.appendChild(wrap); break; case 'select': var wrap = create('select', { id: configId + '_field_' + id }); this.node = wrap; for (var i in options) wrap.appendChild(create('option', { textContent: options[i], value: i, selected: options[i] == value ? true : false })); retNode.appendChild(wrap); break; case 'checkbox': retNode.appendChild((this.node = create('input', { id: configId + '_field_' + id, type: 'checkbox', value: value, checked: value }))); break; case 'button': var btn = create('input', { id: configId + '_field_' + id, type: 'button', value: field.label, size: (field.size ? field.size : 25), title: field.title || '' }); this.node = btn; if (field.script) btn.addEventListener('click', function () { var scr = field.script; typeof scr == 'function' ? setTimeout(scr, 0) : eval(scr); }, false); retNode.appendChild(btn); break; case 'hidden': retNode.appendChild((this.node = create('input', { id: configId + '_field_' + id, type: 'hidden', value: value }))); break; default: // type = text, int, or float retNode.appendChild((this.node = create('input', { id: configId + '_field_' + id, type: 'text', value: value, size: (field.size ? field.size : 25) }))); } return retNode; }, toValue: function() { var node = this.node, field = this.settings, type = field.type, unsigned = false, rval; if (type.indexOf('unsigned ') == 0) { type = type.substring(9); unsigned = true; } switch (type) { case 'checkbox': this.value = node.checked; break; case 'select': this.value = node[node.selectedIndex].value; break; case 'radio': var radios = node.getElementsByTagName('input'); for (var i = 0, len = radios.length; i < len; ++i) if (radios[i].checked) this.value = radios[i].value; break; case 'button': break; case 'int': case 'integer': var num = Number(node.value); if (isNaN(num) || Math.ceil(num) != Math.floor(num) || (unsigned && num < 0)) { alert('Field labeled "' + field.label + '" expects a ' + (unsigned ? 'positive ' : '') + 'integer value.'); return null; } this.value = num; break; case 'float': case 'number': var num = Number(node.value); if (isNaN(num) || (unsigned && num < 0)) { alert('Field labeled "' + field.label + '" expects a ' + (unsigned ? 'positive ' : '') + 'number value.'); return null; } this.value = num; break; default: this.value = node.value; break; } return this.value; // value read successfully } }; // End of Graphical Settings code // UnFuck Facebook Settings var GM_config = new GM_configStruct('UnFuck Facebook', { appReq: { section: ['Invite Blocking', 'Check the types of invites you want to block automatically'], label: 'Application', type: 'checkbox', title: 'Still broke at the moment :(', 'default': false }, fanReq: { label: 'Fan Page', type: 'checkbox', 'default': false }, groupReq: { label: 'Group', type: 'checkbox', 'default': false }, eventReq: { label: 'Event', type: 'checkbox', 'default': false }, appHide: { section: ['Home Settings', 'Control what appears in your stream'], label: 'Hide App Stories', type: 'checkbox', 'default': true }, fanHide: { label: 'Hide Fan Stories', type: 'checkbox', 'default': false }, appBlock: { label: 'Block App Stories', title: 'Prevent apps from showing up in your stream in the future', type: 'checkbox', 'default': false }, wallStory: { label: 'Hide Wall Stories', title: 'Hide the one-sided wall conversations', type: 'checkbox', 'default': true }, addFriend: { label: 'Hide New Friend Stories', title: 'Hide the "Someone is now friends with someone." stories', type: 'checkbox', 'default': false }, showStat: { label: 'Show status on home page', type: 'checkbox', 'default': true }, statOnly: { label: 'Default to status-only Home Feed', type: 'checkbox', 'default': false }, columns: { label: 'Number of Columns', title: 'Make the home page one to three columns', type: 'radio', options: ['One', 'Two', 'Three'], 'default': 'Two' }, noStuff: { label: 'Show right column above feed in one column mode', title: 'This option does nothing in two or three column mode', type: 'checkbox', 'default': true }, suggest: { label: 'Hide suggestions', type: 'checkbox', 'default': true }, chatSide: { label: 'Show Chat Sidebar', type: 'checkbox', 'default': false }, profBoxes: { section: ['Profile Settings', 'Control what appears on profiles'], label: 'Hide Application Boxes', type: 'checkbox', 'default': true }, appTabs: { label: 'Hide Application Tabs', type: 'checkbox', 'default': false }, wideCom: { section: ['General Settings'], label: 'Wide Comments', type: 'checkbox', 'default': true }, homeLink: { label: 'Show Home link in Nav Bar', type: 'checkbox', 'default': true }, recentHide: { section: ['Advance Feature'], label: 'Automatically remove "Recent Activity" Stories from your profile', type: 'checkbox', title: 'Remove those one-liner stories Facebook publishes automatically everytime you do anything', 'default': false } }, '#GM_config .config_header { color: #3B5998 !important; } #GM_config .section_header { background-color: #3B5998 !important; } #GM_config .section_desc { color: #999999 !important; } #GM_config .field_label, #GM_config .config_var span { color: #3E5A88 !important; font-size: 12px !important; } #GM_config_header a { color: #3B5998 !important; font-size: 12px !important; display: block !important; } #GM_config_section_0 .config_var, #GM_config_section_0 .section_desc { display: none !important; } #GM_config_section_header_0 { text-decoration: line-through !important; }', { open: function(doc) { var id = doc.getElementById, disableOpt = function(op) { var el = id('GM_config_field_'+op); el.checked = false; el.disabled = true; el.parentNode.title = "This shit is broke right now :(" el.parentNode.firstChild.setAttribute('style', 'text-decoration: line-through;'); }; disableOpt('appReq'); disableOpt('fanReq'); disableOpt('groupReq'); disableOpt('eventReq'); disableOpt('addFriend'); disableOpt('statOnly'); id('GM_config_header').appendChild(create('a',{href:'http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/11992',target:'_blank', textContent:'Script Home Page'})); }, save: function() { GM_config.close(); window.location.reload(); } }); // I've mananged to do a lot of my script in CSS var unfuckStyle='#right_column { width: 77% !important; } '+(GM_config.get('profBoxes')?'div[id^="box_app_"]:not(#box_app_2297529396):not(#box_app_2305272732):not(#box_app_2309869772):not(#box_app_2327158227):not(#box_app_2341989679):not(#box_app_2347471856):not(#box_app_2356318349):not(#box_app_2361831622):not(#box_app_2407511955):not(#box_app_2503140832):not(#box_app_2719290516):not(#box_app_2392950137):not(#box_app_2550392059), ':'')+'.gifts_received, .wall_contextual_extra, .nextstep, .app_icon_row, .invitefriends, #ssponsor, div[class$="_ad"], .divider_bar, .more_section, .fbpage_fan, .ad_capsule, .see_more_arrow, #more_apps_divider_narrow, .platform, .profile_empty_divider, .newstuff, .app_install_story, .emu_sponsor, div[id^="emu_"], .adcolumn, .social_ad, .sponsor, #attachment_buttons_list span[style*="app_"], li[id^="bookmarked_app_"] a[href^="http://apps."], li[id^="bookmarked_app_"] a[href*="gift"], #profile_tab_add, .footer_ad, .UIComposer_More_Container, .UIComposer_Attachment a[style*="gift.gif"], '+(GM_config.get('appTabs')?'li[view="box_3"], li[view^="app_"], li[view="app_2347471856"], li[view="app_2392950137"], ':'')+'.approve_friend, .app_story, .UIComposer_Attachment a[style*="/app_"], .UIRoundedImage_CornersSprite, #home_sponsor, .hp_connect_box, .UIUpcoming_Info small, .house_sponsor, #home_sponsor_nile, .UIStandardFrame_SidebarAds, div[style*="white"], '+(GM_config.get('suggest') ? '#pagelet_netego, ':'')+'#unfucked, #ego'+(GM_config.get('recentHide') && false ? ', .UIRecentActivity_Stream' : '')+' { display: none !important; }\n' + (GM_config.get('columns') != "Three" ? '.UITitledBox_Content { padding: 3px !important; }\n'+ '#contentArea { width: 90% !important; }\n' + '#rightCol { '+ (GM_config.get('columns') == "Two" || !GM_config.get('noStuff') ? 'display: none !important; width: 0% !important': 'float: left !important; margin-left: 3% !important; width: 40% !important') +' }\n' + '#headNavOut { width: '+(GM_config.get('columns') == "Two" ? '77.5%' : '55%' )+' !important; float: right !important; }\n'+ '.fbx #globalContainer { width:auto; margin:auto 1.5%; }\n' + '#leftCol { width: 20.8% !important; border-right: none !important;}\n' + (GM_config.get('columns') == "One" ? '#contentCol { margin-left: 0% !important; } ' :'#headNavOut, #contentCol { margin-left:21% !important; }\n') + '.uiSideNav, .uiSideNav li { width: 100% !important; }\n' + '#contentCurve, #footerContainer { width:auto !important; margin:auto !important; margin-left:5% !important; border: none !important; }\n' + '#q { display:block !important;}' + '#navSearch { width: 40% !important; }':'') + (GM_config.get('columns') == "One" ? '#leftCol { width: 0% !important; display: none !important; padding: 0% !important }\n' + '#contentCol, #contentArea, #headNavOut { margin-left 0px !imporatant; padding-left 0px !important; float: left !important; }':'') + (GM_config.get('homeLink') ? '' : '#pageNav li a[href$="?ref=home"] { display: none !important;}') + (GM_config.get('wideCom') ? 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Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

Hubungi Kami

Jika ada pertanyaan mengenai produk kami atau untuk konsultasi tentang penyakit yang Anda derita, maka Anda bisa menghubungi melalui Yahoo Messenger dan Facebook dibawah ini. Atau Anda bisa sms/telp ke nomor kami.
Apabila kami sedang tidak online maka sebaiknya Anda kirim sms saja.

1. Yahoo Messenger:

2. Facebook:
3. Sms/telp:
     1. 08789-7564-723

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